class Table(attributes: Attributes, classes: AttributeInterface, tHead: THeadInterface, tBody: TBodyInterface, tFoot: TFootInterface) : AbstractTagBuilder<TagInterface> , TableInterface
In HTML, the <table>
tag is used to create a table. Tables are used to display data in rows and columns, with each cell containing a piece of information. Tables are a fundamental part of HTML for organizing and presenting structured data.
(ChatGPT, February 26, 2024)
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constructor(attributes: Attributes, tHead: THeadInterface, tBody: TBodyInterface, tFoot: TFootInterface)
constructor(classes: ClassesInterface, tHead: THeadInterface, tBody: TBodyInterface, tFoot: TFootInterface)
constructor(attributes: Attributes, classes: AttributeInterface, tHead: THeadInterface, tBody: TBodyInterface, tFoot: TFootInterface)